Wall modelled large eddy simulation of hypersonic transitional flow over an axisymmetric cylinder flare

Natan Hoffmann, Amareshwara Sainadh Chamarthi, Steven Frankel

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Wall modelled large eddy simulation (WMLES) of hypersonic transitional flow over an axisymmetric cylinder flare model are carried out. We employ the monotonicity-preserving (MP) limited gradient based reconstruction method and the Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact (HLLC) approximate Riemann solver to discretize the inviscid terms of the governing equations. A fourth-order α damping method is employed for the viscous terms of the governing equations. A compressible equilibrium wall model is used to reduce computational cost. Two canonical cases are first examined to validate the current methods: oblique shock impingement on a hypersonic disturbed boundary layer and hypersonic compression ramp flow. The present results are shown to qualitatively and quantitatively match previous experiment, direct numerical simulation (DNS), and WMLES of the two validation cases. Preliminary results are then shown for the more complex case of Mach 5 flow over an axisymmetric hollow cylinder 15° flare model with a Reynolds number of ReL = 1.9 × 106based on the cylinder length of L = 0.252m. Numerical simulations of this test case are ongoing and the final results of this case, as well as comparisons to previous experiment and DNS will be included in the final manuscript.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2023
Event62nd Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, IACAS 2023 - Haifa, Israel
Duration: 15 Mar 202316 Mar 2023


Conference62nd Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, IACAS 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Aerospace Engineering


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