Vacuum Rabi splitting of a dark plasmonic cavity mode revealed by fast electrons

Ora Bitton, Satyendra Nath Gupta, Lothar Houben, Michal Kvapil, Vlastimil Krapek, Tomas Sikola, Gilad Haran

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Recent years have seen a growing interest in strong coupling between plasmons and excitons, as a way to generate new quantum optical testbeds and influence chemical dynamics and reactivity. Strong coupling to bright plasmonic modes has been achieved even with single quantum emitters. Dark plasmonic modes fare better in some applications due to longer lifetimes, but are difficult to probe as they are subradiant. Here, we apply electron energy loss (EEL) spectroscopy to demonstrate that a dark mode of an individual plasmonic bowtie can interact with a small number of quantum emitters, as evidenced by Rabi-split spectra. Coupling strengths of up to 85meV place the bowtie-emitter devices at the onset of the strong coupling regime. Remarkably, the coupling occurs at the periphery of the bowtie gaps, even while the electron beam probes their center. Our findings pave the way for using EEL spectroscopy to study exciton-plasmon interactions involving non-emissive photonic modes. Dark plasmonic modes fare better in some applications due to longer lifetimes but, being subradiant, are difficult to probe. The authors apply electron energy loss spectroscopy to demonstrate that a dark mode of a plasmonic cavity can couple with a few quantum emitters to exhibit vacuum Rabi splitting.

Original languageEnglish
Article number487
Number of pages7
JournalNature Communications
StatePublished - 24 Jan 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Chemistry
  • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • General Physics and Astronomy


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