To Learn or to be Taught? Harnessing Technology to Enhance Self Regulated Learning

Ornit Sagy, Yael Kali, Dan Zilberstein, Masha Tsaushu, Tali Tal, Shimon Gepstein

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Instruction in large higher education introductory courses is usually based on lectures which discourage students from taking responsibility of their own learning. We developed an instructional model that harnesses technology to support students in assuming such responsibility, and gradually implemented it in a large introductory biology course. We examined how the gradual shift of responsibility from the instructor to the students affected their self regulation and self-efficacy. Verbal analysis of students’ utterances revealed that students felt a sense of confidence when all course contents were provided to them in the lectures and the tutorial, which encouraged them to take responsibility of their own learning. However, when students were required to self-learn some of the course materials which were not covered in lectures, they became reluctant from taking that responsibility. We conclude that it’s imperative to provide supports that will induce students’ confidence, and encourage them to assume responsibility.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 6th Chais conference on instructional technologies research
Place of PublicationRa'anana
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 17 Feb 2011


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