The unravelling of the complex pattern of tyrosinase inhibition

Batel Deri, Margarita Kanteev, Mor Goldfeder, Daniel Lecina, Victor Guallar, Noam Adir, Ayelet Fishman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Tyrosinases are responsible for melanin formation in all life domains. Tyrosinase inhibitors are used for the prevention of severe skin diseases, in skin-whitening creams and to avoid fruit browning, however continued use of many such inhibitors is considered unsafe. In this study we provide conclusive evidence of the inhibition mechanism of two well studied tyrosinase inhibitors, KA (kojic acid) and HQ (hydroquinone), which are extensively used in hyperpigmentation treatment. KA is reported in the literature with contradicting inhibition mechanisms, while HQ is described as both a tyrosinase inhibitor and a substrate. By visualization of KA and HQ in the active site of TyrBm crystals, together with molecular modeling, binding constant analysis and kinetic experiments, we have elucidated their mechanisms of inhibition, which was ambiguous for both inhibitors. We confirm that while KA acts as a mixed inhibitor, HQ can act both as a TyrBm substrate and as an inhibitor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number34993
JournalScientific Reports
StatePublished - 11 Oct 2016

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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