The Mount Carmel Caves as a World Heritage Site

Mina Evron, D. Kaufman, Danny Rosenberg, R. Liberty-Shalev

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Mount Carmel Caves, subjected to multi-disciplinary research since the late 1920’s, are undoubtedly among themost famous prehistoric sites. The importance of the site’s four caves lies in their long cultural sequence incor- porating at least 500,000 years of human evolution (from the Lower Paleolithic to the present), paleo-environ-mental fluctuations, and the unique presence of both Neandertals and Early Anatomically Modern Humans(EAMH) within the same cultural context. The site witnessed important cultural revolutions particularly theMiddle Paleolithic burials of both EAMH (the earliest in the world to date) and Neandertals, and the passagefrom nomadic hunter-gatherers to complex, sedentary agricultural societies. The caves constitute an importantheritage site for human cultural and biological evolution within the background of paleo-ecological changes(relevant to bio-diversity management and ecological conservation), the recent history of cave use and the historyof archaeological and paleontological research.The potential for local and international education and community involvement requires integrated educationalendeavors considering groups of various ages, religious and social backgrounds, and the scientific community.Maintaining the delicate balance between the various stakeholders, and encouraging mutual recognition andrespect, is at the heart of successful management and enhanced heritage value of the site
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationActas del Primer Congreso Internacional de Buenas Prácticasen Patrimonio Mundial
PublisherJAS Arqueologia S.L.U
ISBN (Print)9788469567821
StatePublished - 2013


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