The Effects of Cognitive Load on Strategy Utilization in a Forced-Choice Recognition Memory Performance Validity Test

Elad Omer, Yoram Braw

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Despite the importance of detecting feigned cognitive impairment, we have a limited understanding of the theoretical foundation of the phenomenon and the factors that affect it. Studies regarding the formation and implementation of feigning strategies during neuropsychological assessments are numbered, though there are indications that they tax cognitive resources. The current study assessed the effect of cognitive load manipulation on feigning strategies. To achieve this aim, we utilized a 2 × 2 experimental design; condition (simulators/honest responders) and cognitive load (load/no load) were manipulated while participants (N = 154) performed a well-established performance validity test (PVT). The cognitive load manipulation reduced the quantity of feigning strategies, while also affecting their composition (i.e., strategies tended to be more intuitive). This suggests that reduced cognitive resources among those feigning cognitive impairment may impact the use of in-vivo feigning strategies. These findings, though preliminary, will hopefully encourage further research that will uncover the cognitive factors involved in the utilization of feigning strategies in neuropsychological assessments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6-14
Number of pages9
JournalEuropean Journal of Psychological Assessment
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2022


  • Cognitive load
  • Feigned cognitive impairment
  • Performance Validity Test (PVT)
  • Strategies
  • Word Memory Test (WMT)

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Applied Psychology


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