The Educational Ethos of Teachers of Jewish Thought in Israeli Non-religious Schools: Literacy in the Service of Identity Exploration and Formation

I Galili-Schachter, E. P. Schachter

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This paper addresses the issue of whether the conceptual discourse of
    literacy, developed in contexts other than Jewish education, should be
    adopted to enhance the understanding, research, and practice of Jewish
    education. At the outset, it would seem that embracing Jewish literacy
    as a goal for Jewish education is obvious and unobjectionable. However, we contend that the set of assumptions, goals, priorities, and practices prevalent in the academic literature tied to the concept of literacy
    as these have specifically emerged in the context of general American
    schooling might not be compatible with the assumptions, goals, priorities, and practices of educators involved in Jewish education. While not
    rejecting the possibility that exploring the discourse on literacy can be
    enriching, we do believe that adopting such discourse uncritically
    would be ill-advised.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Title of host publicationJewish Literacy and Education
    EditorsIsrael Rich, Yaacov Karz, Zmira Mevarech, Shimon Ohaion
    Place of PublicationBethesda, MD
    Number of pages24
    StatePublished - 2013

    Publication series

    NameStudies and Texts in Jewish History and Culture


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