The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge

V. S. Subrahmanian, Amos Azaria, Skylar Durst, Vadim Kagan, Aram Galstyan, Kristina Lerman, Linhong Zhu, Emilio Ferrara, Alessandro Flammini, Filippo Menczer

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


From politicians and nation states to terrorist groups, numerous organizations reportedly conduct explicit campaigns to influence opinions on social media, posing a risk to freedom of expression. Thus, there is a need to identify and eliminate 'influence bots'-realistic, automated identities that illicitly shape discussions on sites like Twitter and Facebook-before they get too influential.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Specialist publicationComputer
StatePublished - Jun 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • anomaly detection
  • intrusion detection
  • malware mitigation
  • security
  • social networks

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Computer Science

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