The Arbitrarily Varying Relay Channel

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We study the arbitrarily varying relay channel, which models communication with relaying in the presence of an active adversary. We establish the cutset bound and partial decode-forward bound on the random code capacity. We further determine the random code capacity for special cases. Then, we consider conditions under which the deterministic code capacity is determined as well. In addition, we consider the arbitrarily varying Gaussian relay channel with sender frequency division under input and state constraints. We determine the random code capacity, and establish lower and upper bounds on the deterministic code capacity. Furthermore, we show that as opposed to previous relay models, the primitive relay channel has a different behavior compared to the non-primitive relay channel in the arbitrarily varying scenario.

Original languageEnglish
Article number516
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2019


  • Markov block code
  • arbitrarily varying channel
  • decode-forward
  • deterministic code
  • minimax theorem
  • random code
  • relay channel
  • symmetrizability

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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