Testing minimal flavor violation in leptoquark models of the Rk((*)) anomaly

Daniel Aloni, Avital Dery, Claudia Frugiuele, Yosef Nir

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The R-K(*) anomaly can be explained by tree level exchange of leptoquarks. We study the consequences of subjecting these models to the principle of minimal flavor violation (MFV). We consider MFV in the linear regime, and take the charged lepton Yukawa matrix to be the only spurion that violates lepton flavor universality. We find that a combination of constraints from a variety of processes - b -> s mu mu, b -> s tau tau, b -> s nu nu, b (b) over bar -> tau tau and b -> c tau nu - excludes MFV in these models.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109
Number of pages23
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number11
StatePublished - 17 Nov 2017


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