Sub-wavelength spin excitations in ultracold gases created by stimulated Raman transitions

Yigal Ilin, Shai Tsesses, Guy Bartal, Yoav Sagi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Raman transitions are used in quantum simulations with ultracold atoms for cooling, spectroscopy and creation of artificial gauge fields. Spatial shaping of the Raman fields allows local control of the effective Rabi frequency, which can be mapped to the atomic spin. Evanescent Raman fields are of special interest as they can provide a new degree of control emanating from their rapidly decaying profile and for their ability to generate features below the diffraction limit. This opens the door to the formation of sub-wavelength spin textures. In this work, we present a theoretical and numerical study of Raman Rabi frequency in the presence of evanescent driving fields. We show how spin textures can be created by spatially varying driving fields and demonstrate a skyrmionium lattice- A periodic array of topological spin excitations, each of which is composed of two skyrmions with opposite topological charges. Our results pave the way to quantum simulation of spin excitation dynamics in magnetic materials, especially of itinerant spin models.

Original languageEnglish
Article number093071
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Issue number9
StatePublished - 22 Sep 2020


  • Raman transitions
  • quantum simulation
  • skyrmion
  • skyrmionium
  • sub-wavelength
  • topological excitations
  • ultracold atoms

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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