Stealth and secured optical coherent transmission using a gain switched frequency comb and multi-homodyne coherent detection

Eyal Wohlgemuth, Yaron Yoffe, Pantea Nadimi Goki, Muhammad Imran, Francesco Fresi, Prajwal Doddaballapura Lakshmijayasimha, Roi Cohen, Prince Anandarajah, Luca Potì, Dan Sadot

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A novel all-optical stealth and secured transmission is proposed and demonstrated. Spectral replicas of the covert signal are carried by multiple tones of a gain switched optical frequency comb, optically coded with spectral phase mask, and concealed below EDFA’s noise. The secured signal’s spectrum is spread far beyond the bandwidth of a coherent receiver, thus forcing real time all-optical processing. An unauthorized user, who does not possess knowledge on the phase mask, can only obtain a noisy and distorted signal, that cannot be improved by post-processing. On the other hand, the authorized user decodes the signal using an inverse spectral phase mask and achieves a substantial optical processing gain via multi-homodyne coherent detection. A transmission of 20 Gbps under negative −7.5 dB OSNR is demonstrated here, yielding error-free detection by the eligible user.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)40462-40480
Number of pages19
JournalOptics Express
Issue number24
StatePublished - 22 Nov 2021

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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