Spinal lumbar di2 interneurons contribute to stability of bipedal stepping

Baruch Haimson, Yoav Hadas, Nimrod Bernat, Artur Kania, Monica Daley, Yuval Cinnamon, Aharon Lev-Tov, Avihu Klar

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Peripheral and intraspinal feedback is required to shape and update the output of spinal networks that execute motor behavior. We report that lumbar dI2 spinal interneurons in chicks receive synaptic input from afferents and premotor neurons. These interneurons innervate contralateral premotor networks in the lumbar and brachial spinal cord, and their ascending projections innervate the cerebellum. These findings suggest that dI2 neurons function as interneurons in local lumbar circuits, are involved in lumbo-brachial coupling, and that part of them deliver peripheral and intraspinal feedback to the cerebellum. Silencing of dI2 neurons leads to destabilized stepping in P8 hatchlings, with occasional collapses, variable step profiles and a wide-base walking gait, suggesting that dI2 neurons may contribute to the stabilization of the bipedal gait.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 16 Aug 2021


  • Locomotion
  • Neuronal circuits
  • Spinal cord
  • Spinocerebellar tract

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Immunology and Microbiology
  • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • General Neuroscience


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