SOXS: Effects on optical performances due to gravity flexures, temperature variations, and subsystems alignment

Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez, Matteo Aliverti, Matteo Munari, Sergio Campana, Riccardo Claudi, Pietro Schipani, Andrea Baruffolo, Sagi Ben-Ami, Federico Biondi, Giulio Capasso, Rosario Cosentino, Francesco D'Alessio, Paolo D'Avanzo, Ofir Hershko, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Marco Landoni, Giuliano Pignata, Adam Rubin, Salvatore Scuderi, Fabrizio VitaliDavid Young, Jani Achrén, José Antonio Araiza-Duran, Iair Arcavi, Anna Brucalassi, Rachel Bruch, Enrico Cappellaro, Mirko Colapietro, Massimo della Valle, Marco de Pascale, Rosario di Benedetto, Sergio D'Orsi, Avishay Gal-Yam, Matteo Genoni, Marcos Hernandez, Jari Kotilainen, Gianluca Li Causi, Seppo Mattila, Michael Rappaport, Kalyan Radhakrishnan, Davide Ricci, Marco Riva, Bernardo Salasnich, Stephen Smartt, Maximilian Stritzinger, Hector Ventura

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


SOXS (Son Of X-Shooter) is the new medium resolution wide-band spectrograph to be installed at the 3.6m New Technology Telescope (NTT) in La Silla. SOXS will offer simultaneous wavelength coverage from 0.35 to 2.0 μm and will be dedicated to the study of transient and variable sources. While nominal optical performances of the system were presented in previous proceedings (Zanmar Sanchez et al. 2018), we here present a set of further analyses aimed to identify and quantify optical effects, due to changes in temperature and orientation of the instrument during alignment and operations.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGround-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII
EditorsChristopher J. Evans, Julia J. Bryant, Kentaro Motohara
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9781510636811
StatePublished - 18 Dec 2020
EventGround-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII 2020 - Virtual, Online, United States
Duration: 14 Dec 202022 Dec 2020

Publication series

NameProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


ConferenceGround-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII 2020
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityVirtual, Online


  • Alignment
  • Flexures
  • NIR near infrared
  • NTT telescope
  • Optical design
  • Spectrograph
  • Thermal

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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