Self-training to improve UE function at the chronic stage post-stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Debbie Rand, Harold Weingarden, Ronit Weiss, Anat Yacoby, Shlomit Reif, Rachel Malka, David Andrew Shiller, Gabi Zeilig

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Background and purpose: On-going practice and use of the weaker upper extremity (UE) are important for maintaining and improving function in individuals with chronic stroke. The effectiveness of two self-training programs for UE function and daily-use was compared. Methods: In this pilot, single-blinded clinical trial, individuals with chronic stroke were randomized to video-games or traditional self-training (1-hour/day, 6-times/week, 5 weeks). Assessments were performed pre-intervention (an average of two assessments), post-intervention, and at 4-week follow-up. The primary outcome was the functional ability of the upper extremity [The Action Research Arm Test (ARAT)]. Secondary measures were the daily use of the upper extremity [Motor Activity Log (MAL)] and manual dexterity (Box and Block Test). Repeated measures ANOVA was used to test the effectiveness and estimate effect sizes. Results: Twenty-four of the 142 participants screened by phone were randomized to video-games [N = 13, mean (SD) age–59.1 (10.5)] or traditional [N = 11, mean (SD) age–64.9 (6.9)] self-training. Significant between-group differences were not detected. ARAT significantly improved by 13.9% and 9.6% following the video-games and traditional self-training programs (respectively), with a large effect size. MAL (quantity) also improved significantly between pre- intervention to follow-up with medium-large effect size. Conclusions: UE functional improvement can be achieved by self-training at the chronic stage and, therefore, should be encouraged by clinicians.Implications for rehabilitation Video-games or traditional self-training programs can be used to practice repetitive UE movements without the supervision of a clinician Self-training of the UE is beneficial at the chronic stage post-stroke and, therefore, should be encouraged The type of self-training (video-games or traditional) should be suited to the client's abilities and preferences. The compliance of self-training using video-games during the follow-up period was higher than the traditional self-training. This is important since self-training programs for chronic stroke need to be long-term and sustainable.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1541-1548
Number of pages8
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Issue number15
StatePublished - 17 Jul 2017


  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • chronic stroke
  • virtual reality

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Rehabilitation


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