Scenario based method for testing software

Gera Weiss (Inventor), Aviran Sadon (Inventor), Achiya Elyasaf (Inventor), Michael Bar-Sinai (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method for testing operating software of a system consisting of a plurality of internal subsystems operating in an environment and controlled by a hardware board using electronic signals and an operating software. The signals are translated into a computer-readable format by an interfacing card for each internal subsystem and simulating the internal subsystems by data acquisition modules by a simulating computer, which simulates the environmental conditions to which each module is currently exposed. A scenario-based test software module generates a plurality of possible independent test scenarios using Behavioral Programming ( BP ) and the independent scenarios are interleaved at run time by an execution engine, to thereby automatically create a larger number of dependent and derived scenarios representing only possible combinations which are relevant to the operating conditions and states of the system.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number11138100
StatePublished - 5 Oct 2021


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