Reflection identities of harmonic sums of weight four

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In attempt to find a proper space of function expressing the eigenvalue of the color-singlet BFKL equation in N = 4 SYM, we consider an analytic continuation of harmonic sums from positive even integer values of the argument to the complex plane. The resulting meromorphic functions have pole singularities at negative integers. We derive the reflection identities for harmonic sums at weight four decomposing a product of two harmonic sums with mixed pole structure into a linear combination of terms each having a pole at either negative or non-negative values of the argument. The pole decomposition demonstrates how the product of two simpler harmonic sums can build more complicated harmonic sums at higher weight. We list a minimal irreducible set of bilinear reflection identities at weight four, which represents the main result of the paper. We also discuss how other trilinear and quadlinear reflection identities can be constructed from our result with the use of well known quasi-shuffle relations for harmonic sums.

Original languageEnglish
Article number77
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2019


  • Analytic continuation
  • BFKL equation
  • Carlson's theorem
  • Functional identities
  • Harmonic sums

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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