Reflecting on didactic metadata of learning sequences

Jason Cooper, Shai Olsher, Michal Yerushalmy

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


With the emergence of e-textbooks, together with expectations to integrate technology in instruction, teachers are coming to take an active role in designing the curriculum they teach. In orderto maintain instructional coherence, teachers need to develop sensitivity to various didactical aspects of the curriculum. We suggest the use of novel tools for tagging didactic metadata of learning resources, and for representing learning sequences from the perspective of this metadata. We report on an ongoing experiment with practicing teachers. Over a period of several weeks, participating teachers tag all of the learning objects that they use in class, construct various representations of the taught curriculum, highlighting different didactic aspects of the sequence, and reflect on the instructional coherence of the sequence in light of these representations. We ask what effect this intervention may have on teachers’ pedagogical design capacity.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 25 May 2018
EventRe(s)sources of 2018 International Conference: Understanding teachers' work through their interactions with resources for teaching - Lyons, France
Duration: 28 May 201830 May 2018


ConferenceRe(s)sources of 2018 International Conference
Internet address


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