Protocol dependence of plasticity in ultrastable amorphous solids

Edan Lerner, Itamar Procaccia, Corrado Rainone, Murari Singh

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While perfect crystals may exhibit a purely elastic response to shear all the way to yielding, the response of amorphous solids is punctuated by plastic events. The prevalence of this plasticity depends on the number of particles N of the system, with the average strain interval before the first plastic event, (Delta gamma) over bar, scaling like N-alpha with alpha negative: larger samples are more susceptible to plasticity due to more numerous disorder-induced soft spots. In this paper we examine this scaling relation in ultrastable glasses prepared with the swap Monte Carlo algorithm, with regard to the possibility of a protocol-dependent scaling exponent, which would also imply a protocol dependence in the distribution of local yield stresses in the glass. We show that, while a superficial analysis seems to corroborate this hypothesis, this is only a preasymptotic effect and in fact our data can be well explained by a simple model wherein such protocol dependence is absent.

Original languageEnglish
Article number063001
Number of pages7
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number6
StatePublished - 4 Dec 2018


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