Probing the ∆U = 0 rule in three body charm decays

Avital Dery, Yuval Grossman, Stefan Schacht, Abner Soffer

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CP violation in charm decay was observed in the decays D0→ P±P of a D0 meson to two pseudoscalars. When interpreted within the SM, the results imply that the ratio of the relevant rescattering amplitudes has a magnitude and phase that are both of O(1). We discuss ways to probe similar ratios in D0→ V±P decays, where V is a vector that decays to two pseudoscalars, from the Dalitz-plot analysis of time-integrated three-body decays. Compared to two-body decays, three-body decays have the advantage that the complete system can be solved without the need for time-dependent CP violation measurements or use of correlated (Formula presented.) production. We discuss the decays D0→ π+ππ0 and D0→ K+Kπ0 as examples by considering a toy model of only two overlapping charged resonances, treating the underlying pseudo two-body decays in full generality.

Original languageEnglish
Article number179
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2021


  • CP violation
  • Heavy Quark Physics

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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