Politics and Gender in the Executive Suite

Alma Cohen, Moshe Hazan, David Weiss

Research output: Working paper


Are the political preferences of CEOs associated with the representation and compensation of women in the executive suite? We find that Democratic CEOs (those who contribute more to Democratic candidates) are associated with higher representation of women in the executive suite. To explore causality, we use an event study approach and show that replacing a Republican with a Democratic CEO is associated with 20%-60% in more women in the executive suite. Finally, we show that Democratic CEOs associated with a significant reduction (or even disappearance) of the gender gap in the level and performance-sensitivity of executive pay.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCambridge, Mass
Number of pages67
StatePublished - Jun 2021

Publication series

NameNBER working paper series
PublisherNational Bureau of Economic Research

ULI publications

  • uli


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