Partitioning of diluted anyons reveals their braiding statistics

June-Young M Lee, Changki Hong, Tomer Alkalay, Noam Schiller, Vladimir Umansky, Moty Heiblum, Yuval Oreg, H-S Sim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Correlations of partitioned particles carry essential information about their quantumness1. Partitioning full beams of charged particles leads to current fluctuations, with their autocorrelation (namely, shot noise) revealing the particles’ charge2,3. This is not the case when a highly diluted beam is partitioned. Bosons or fermions will exhibit particle antibunching (owing to their sparsity and discreteness)4,5,6. However, when diluted anyons, such as quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall states, are partitioned in a narrow constriction, their autocorrelation reveals an essential aspect of their quantum exchange statistics: their braiding phase7. Here we describe detailed measurements of weakly partitioned, highly diluted, one-dimension-like edge modes of the one-third filling fractional quantum Hall state. The measured autocorrelation agrees with our theory of braiding anyons in the time domain (instead of braiding in space); with a braiding phase of 2θ = 2π/3, without any fitting parameters. Our work offers a relatively straightforward and simple method to observe the braiding statistics of exotic anyonic states, such as non-abelian states8, without resorting to complex interference experiments9.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)277-281
Number of pages5
Issue number7960
StatePublished - 11 May 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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