Natural Image Denoising: Optimality and Inherent Bounds

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The goal of natural image denoising is to estimate a clean version of a given noisy image, utilizing prior knowledge on the statistics of natural images. The problem has been studied intensively with considerable progress made in recent years. However, it seems that image denoising algorithms are starting to converge and recent algorithms improve over previous ones by only fractional dB values. It is thus important to understand how much more can we still improve natural image denoising algorithms and what are the inherent limits imposed by the actual statistics of the data. The challenge in evaluating such limits is that constructing proper models of natural image statistics is a long standing and yet unsolved problem. To overcome the absence of accurate image priors, this paper takes a non parametric approach and represents the distribution of natural images using a huge set of 1010 patches. We then derive a simple statistical measure which provides a lower bound on the optimal Bayesian minimum mean square error (MMSE). This imposes a limit on the best possible results of denoising algorithms which utilize a fixed support around a denoised pixel and a generic natural image prior. Our findings suggest that for small windows, state of the art denoising algorithms are approaching optimality and cannot be further improved beyond similar to 0.1dB values.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)40
Number of pages8
Journal2011 Ieee Conference On Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition (Cvpr)
StatePublished - 2011
EventIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) - Colorado Springs, CO
Duration: 20 Jun 201125 Jun 2011


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