More or less? two approaches to evolving game-playing strategies

Amit Benbassat, Achiya Elyasaf, Moshe Sipper

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


We present two opposing approaches to the evolution of game strategies, one wherein a minimal amount of domain expertise is injected into the process, the other infusing the evolutionary setup with expertise in the form of domain heuristics. We show that the first approach works well for several popular board games, while the second produces top-notch solvers for the hard game of FreeCell.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationGenetic Programming Theory and Practice X
EditorsR. Riolo, E. Vladislavleva, M. Ritchie, J Moore
PublisherSpringer New York
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4614-6846-2
ISBN (Print)978-1-4614-6845-5
StatePublished - 19 Apr 2013

Publication series

NameGenetic and Evolutionary Computation


  • Checkers
  • Dodgem
  • Freecell
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Genetic programming
  • Hyper heuristic
  • Reversi
  • αβ search

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