Michaud, Montrond, Mazloum and the first history of the crusades in Arabic

Iris Shagrir, Nitzan Amitai-Preiss

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This short notice provides a novel and preliminary analysis of the source for the first Arabic history of the crusades and contributes to the understanding of the penetration of the crusades as a distinct phenomenon into the Islamic world. The Arabic history Min Tarīkh al-urūb al-muqaddasa fī l-mashriq al-madūwa arb al-alīb was published in Jerusalem in 1865 under the authorship of the (late) Melkite patriarch Maximos III Mazloum (d. 1855). The book was a modified translation of the French Les Guerres saintes d'Outre-Mer ou tableau des croisades retracé d'après les chroniques contemporaines published in 1840 by Maxime de Montrond who was heavily inspired by Michaud's Histoire des croisades. Though created in a Christian Francophile milieu it seems clear that the Arabic translation was intended not only for a Christian audience, but also for a Muslim readership, as evidenced by examples, provided here, of the modifications of the French original.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-312
Number of pages4
JournalAl-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2012


  • Crusades
  • Maximos III Mazloum Greek Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem (1779-1185)
  • Montrond Maxime de author (1805-1879)

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • History
  • Religious studies


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