Masers and Other Instabilities in a Weakly Magnetized Relativistic Plasma: Theory and the Astrophysical Relevance of the Maser

Andrei Gruzinov, Eli Waxman

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A sufficient condition for maser instability in a weakly magnetized relativistic plasma with an isotropic particle distribution function is given. Maser growth rates and polarizations are computed starting from the exact dielectric permittivity tensor of a magnetized plasma. For very weak magnetic field, our results confirm the approximate validity of the "standard maser theory," which is based on the Einstein coefficients method, with one significant exception. For inclined propagation and a realistic (small but finite) field, the growth rates of the two (nearly circular) polarizations differ significantly, while the standard theory predicts two (nearly circular) polarizations with similar growth rates. We show that this deviation is due to circularly polarized synchrotron emission, which is neglected in the standard theory. The maser is shown to grow slower than Langmuir waves. Nevertheless, significant generation of EM waves is seen in (highly simplified) direct numerical simulations. We study the nonlinear saturation of maser instability and find that it offers a mechanism for the conversion of a significant fraction of the plasma energy into radio waves. We briefly discuss the conditions under which maser instability may operate in astrophysical sources and provide rough estimates that may be used for guidance when studying particular astrophysical sources/phenomena.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126
Number of pages13
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - 23 Apr 2019

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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