Low temperature magnetic force microscope study of magnetization reversal in patterned nanoislands of SrRuO 3

Livnat Landau, James W. Reiner, Lior Klein

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SrRuO 3 is an itinerant ferromagnet (T c ∼ 150 K) characterized by large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy (K 1 ∼ 7.7 × 10 6 erg/cm 3) and relatively low saturation magnetization (M s = 213 emu/cm 3) - properties which make SrRuO 3 an extremely hard magnetic material. We have patterned arrays of rectangular nanoislands of a high quality epitaxial film of SrRuO 3 with sides ranging between 50 and 500 nm, and studied their magnetization reversal at 4 K using a low temperature magnetic force microscope. We find that the nucleation field for many of the nanoislands is very close to that expected by the Stoner-Wohlfarth model (∼ 3. 8 T) and from nanoislands which exhibit partial reversals we can determine an upper bound for the nucleation volume on the order of 100 × 100 × 10 nm 3. We also find that domain wall pinning in the nanoislands is extremely high and in some cases the depinning field exceeds ∼ 3 T.

Original languageEnglish
Article number07B901
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2012

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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