Leveraging internal viscous flow to extend the capabilities of beam-shaped soft robotic actuators

Yoav Matia, Tsah Elimelech, Amir D. Gat

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Elastic deformation of beam-shaped structures due to embedded fluidic networks (EFNs) is mainly studied in the context of soft actuators and soft robotic applications. Currently, the effects of viscosity are not examined in such configurations. In this work, we introduce an internal viscous flow and present the extended range of actuation modes enabled by viscosity. We analyze the interaction between elastic deflection of a slender beam and viscous flow in a long serpentine channel embedded within the beam. The embedded network is positioned asymmetrically with regard to the neutral plane and thus pressure within the channel creates a local moment deforming the beam. Under assumptions of creeping flow and small deflections, we obtain a fourth-order integro-differential equation governing the time-dependent deflection field. This relation enables the design of complex time-varying deformation patterns of beams with EFNs. Leveraging viscosity allows to extend the capabilities of beam-shaped actuators such as creation of inertia-like standing and moving wave solutions in configurations with negligible inertia and limiting deformation to a small section of the actuator. The results are illustrated experimentally.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)126-134
Number of pages9
JournalSoft Robotics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2017


  • fluid structure interaction
  • soft actuators
  • soft robotics
  • viscous-elastic interaction

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Biophysics
  • Artificial Intelligence


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