Large spin-orbit torque efficiency enhanced by magnetic structure of collinear antiferromagnet IrMn

Jing Zhou, Xiao Wang, Yaohua Liu, Jihang Yu, Huixia Fu, Liang Liu, Shaohai Chen, Jinyu Deng, Weinan Lin, Xinyu Shu, Herng Yau Yoong, Tao Hong, Masaaki Matsuda, Ping Yang, Stefan Adams, Binghai Yan, Xiufeng Han, Jingsheng Chen

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Spin-orbit torque (SOT) offers promising approaches to developing energy-efficient memory devices by electric switching of magnetization. Compared to other SOT materials, metallic antiferromagnet (AFM) potentially allows the control of SOT through its magnetic structure. Here, combining the results from neutron diffraction and spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance experiments, we show that the magnetic structure of epitaxially grown L1(0)-IrMn (a collinear AFM) is distinct from the widely presumed bulk one. It consists of twin domains, with the spin axes orienting toward [111] and [-111], respectively. This unconventional magnetic structure is responsible for much larger SOT efficiencies up to 0.60 +/- 0.04, compared to 0.083 +/- 0.002 for the polycrystalline IrMn. Furthermore, we reveal that this magnetic structure induces a large isotropic bulk contribution and a comparable anisotropic interfacial contribution to the SOT efficiency. Our findings shed light on the critical roles of bulk and interfacial antiferromagnetism to SOT generated by metallic AFM.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereaau6696
Number of pages9
JournalScience Advances
Issue number5
StatePublished - 10 May 2019


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