Jumps in Besov spaces and fine properties of Besov and fractional Sobolev functions

Paz Hashash, Arkady Poliakovsky

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In this paper we analyse functions in Besov spaces Bq,∞1/q(RN,Rd),q∈(1,∞) , and functions in fractional Sobolev spaces Wr,q(RN, Rd) , r∈ (0 , 1) , q∈ [1 , ∞) . We prove for Besov functions u∈Bq,∞1/q(RN,Rd) the summability of the difference between one-sided approximate limits in power q, | u+- u-| q , along the jump set Ju of u with respect to Hausdorff measure HN-1 , and establish the best bound from above on the integral ∫Ju|u+-u-|qdHN-1 in terms of Besov constants. We show for functions u∈Bq,∞1/q(RN,Rd),q∈(1,∞) that lim infε→0+1εN∫Bε(x)|u(z)-uBε(x)|qdz=0 for every x outside of a HN-1 -sigma finite set. For fractional Sobolev functions u∈ Wr,q(RN, Rd) we prove that limε→0+1εN∫Bε(x)1εN∫Bε(x)|u(z)-u(y)|qdzdy=0 for HN-rq a.e. x, where q∈ [1 , ∞) , r∈ (0 , 1) and rq≤ N . We prove for u∈ W1,q(RN) , 1 < q≤ N , that limε→0+1εN∫Bε(x)|u(z)-uBε(x)|qdz=0 for HN-q a.e. x∈ RN . In addition, we prove Lusin-type approximation for fractional Sobolev functions u∈ Wr,q(RN, Rd) by Hölder continuous functions in C,r(RN, Rd) .

Original languageAmerican English
Article number28
JournalCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Analysis
  • Applied Mathematics


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