Investigation of the Proton-Bound Dimer of Dihydrogen Phosphate and Formate Using Infrared Spectroscopy in Helium Droplets

América Y. Torres-Boy, Martín I. Taccone, Carla Kirschbaum, Katja Ober, Tamar Stein, Gerard Meijer, Gert von Helden

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Understanding the structural and dynamic properties of proton-bound complexes is crucial for elucidating fundamental aspects of chemical reactivity and molecular interactions. In this work, the proton-bound complex between dihydrogen phosphate and formate, and its deuterated counterparts, is investigated using IR action spectroscopy in helium droplets. Contrary to the initial expectation that the stronger phosphoric acid would donate a proton to formate, both experiment and theory show that all exchangeable protons are located in the phosphate moiety. The experimental spectra show good agreement with both scaled harmonic and VPT2 anharmonic calculations, indicating that anharmonic effects are small. Some H-bending modes of the nondeuterated complex are found to be sensitive to the helium environment. In the case of the partially deuterated complexes, the experiments indicate that internal dynamics leads to isomeric interconversion upon IR excitation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4456-4466
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry A
Issue number22
StatePublished - 6 Jun 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry


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