Michael Elad (Inventor), Joseph Shtok (Inventor), Michael Zibulevsky (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method of projection domain processing based on a local transform and shrinkage for use in reconstructing digital images from a set of projections, the method including providing a target image of a target object, providing projection data of the target object, producing filtered projection data by applying a sparsifying transform and a shrinkage function to the projection data, followed by an inverse of the sparsifying transform, producing a restored image by applying a reconstruction transform to the filtered projection data, comparing the restored image to the target image, and producing an optimized projection domain shrinkage function by adapting the shrinkage function to minimize differences between the restored image and the target image. Related apparatus and methods are also described.

Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS2014119628
IPCG06T 11/ 00 A I
Priority date23/10/13
StatePublished - 1 May 2014


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