Identification of constitutive materials of bi-layer soft tissues from multimodal indentations

Nolwenn Fougeron, Zohar Oddes, Amit Ashkenazi, Dana Solav

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The personalisation of finite element models is an important problem in the biomechanical fields where subject-specific analyses are fundamental, particularly in studying soft tissue mechanics. The personalisation includes the choice of the constitutive law of the model's material, as well as the choice of the material parameters. In vivo identification of the material properties of soft tissues is challenging considering the complex behaviour of soft tissues that are, among other things, non-linear hyperelastic and heterogeneous. Hybrid experimental-numerical methods combining in vivo indentations and inverse finite element analyses are common to identify these material parameters. Yet, the uniqueness and the uncertainty of the multi-material hyperelastic model have not been evaluated. This study presents a sensitivity analysis performed on synthetic indentation data to investigate the identification uncertainties of the material parameters in a bi-material thigh phantom. Synthetic numerical data, used to replace experimental measurements, considered several measurement modalities: indenter force and displacement, stereo-camera 3D digital image correlation of the indented surface, and ultrasound B-mode images. A finite element model of the indentation was designed with either Ogden-Moerman or Mooney-Rivlin constitutive laws for both materials. The parameters' identifiability (i.e. the possibility of converging to a unique parameter set within an acceptable margin of error) was assessed with various cost functions formulated using the different synthetic data sets. The results underline the need for multiple experimental modalities to reduce the uncertainty of the identified parameters. Additionally, the experimental error can impede the identification of a unique parameter set, and the cost function depends on the constitutive law. This study highlights the need for sensitivity analyses before the design of the experimental protocol. Such studies can also be used to define the acceptable range of errors in the experimental measurement. Eventually, the impact of the evaluated uncertainty of the identified parameters should be further investigated according to the purpose of the finite element modelling.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106572
JournalJournal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials
StatePublished - Jul 2024


  • Bi-layer
  • DIC
  • Hyperelasticity
  • Indentation
  • Ultrasound
  • iFEA

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomaterials


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