Histopathological and histomorphometric analysis of glandular odontogenic cyst-A diagnostic aid

Shimrit Heiliczer, Tom Shmuly, Gal Avishai, Ayelet Zlotogorski-Hurvitz, Marilena Vered, Letizia Mamber, Ilana Kaplan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: Compare recognized microscopic parameters, including variations in width, plaque-like thickenings, intra-epithelial microcysts, clefts, mucous, hob-nail, ciliated and clear cells, between glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) and GOC-like cysts, investigate the extent of cyst circumference exhibiting these features, and inflammation. Materials and Methods: Archival records of cysts with histological features of GOC evaluated between 2000 and2020 were retrieved. Slides were revised, and the expression of features throughout the cyst wall was analyzed. Cysts with at least 5 features were classified as GOC, cysts with 3–4 features as GOC-like. Results: The study included 74 cysts, 47 males M, 25 females (2 unknown gender), aged 19–81 years, 62 (83.8%) GOC, 12 (16.2%) GOC-like. Mandible was involved in 44 (59.5%), maxilla in 30 (40.5%), 18 (25%) were associated with unerupted teeth. Cyst classified as GOC had significantly higher rates of all parameters investigated, (except ciliated and clear cells), than GOC-like cysts (p ≤ 0.05). 26 (40.6%) cases showed GOC features in >50% of cyst circumference, 21 (32.8%) involved 25–50%, 17 (26.6%) <25%. More than 50% circumference involvement was highly and independently predictive for a diagnosis of GOC, <25% was highly and independently predictive for GOC-like (p = 0.003). Hobnail cells (p = 0.008) and plaque-like thickenings (p = 0.038) were significantly more frequent in inflamed cysts. Conclusion: Besides the number and type of histological features, GOC can be characterized by their distribution within the cyst circumference (focal Vs diffuse), and it may serve as a new diagnostic aid. It is suggested that GOC and GOC-like may represent a single spectrum.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3306-3312
Number of pages7
JournalOral Diseases
Issue number8
StatePublished - Nov 2023


  • cyst
  • glandular
  • odontogenic

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Dentistry
  • Otorhinolaryngology


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