“Glocalisation” Doctrine in the Israeli Public Education System: A Contextual Analysis of a Policy-making Process

Yuval Dvir, Claire Maxwell, Miri Yemini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In 2016, the Israeli Ministry of Education (MoE) issued a policy document recommending six new doctrines for pedagogical development at schools. Amid those is ‘Glocalism’, aimed at addressing the global/local mix within the schooling system. Given the lack of a declared internationalization policy in Israel and its highly nationalistic curricula, this direction may constitute a first attempt by the MoE to internationalize school curricula. Public participation, including third-sector organizations actors, constituted a fundamental element in the development of this policy. Examining why this is, and what impact it had on how internationalization was conceived of is critical in this era of pluri-scalar policy-making. Our findings highlight the crucial role played by various non-governmental actors in this process. We also reveal that certain voices were in effect silenced – whether from marginalized constituencies or those suggesting directions contradicting the MoE’s intentions. The policy offers a vague definition for ‘Glocalism’, which appears to eliminate possibilities for marginalizing those communities who feel most challenged by this policy move. Yet, this open-endness in the conceptualization of internationalization is likely to further increase current inequalities within the education system. We argue that such public participation processes can therefore easily become pseudo-participatory, marginalizing and excluding particular constituents.

Original languageEnglish
Article number124
Pages (from-to)1-26
Number of pages26
JournalEducation Policy Analysis Archives
Issue number124
StatePublished - 2019


  • Education policy
  • Global citizenship
  • Glocalisation
  • Public participation

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Education


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