From CALL to MALL: The Case of Free Learners of Chinese in Israel (Poster)

Orit Ezra, Anat Cohen, Rafi Nachmias

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), which has emerged in recent years, was reported as different from Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (Jarvis & Achilleos, 2013). The present research employed quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the degree to which 46 types of learning activities of 9 free learners of Chinese in Israel shifted away from CALL to MALL by checking their degree of mobility as suggested by Pegrum (2014) – device mobility, learner mobility, learning mobility, and total mobility.
Translated title of the contributionמ-CALL ל-MALL: מקרה בוחן של לומדי סינית חופשיים בישראל
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationהאדם הלומד בעידן הטכנולוגי: כנס צ'ייס למחקרי טכנולוגיות למידה (קובץ)
Pages12 (2017), 86E-87E
Number of pages76
StatePublished - 2017

IHP publications

  • ihp
  • Chinese language -- Study and teaching
  • Electronic apparatus and appliances


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