Free Noncommutative Hereditary Kernels: Jordan Decomposition, Arveson Extension, Kernel Domination

Joseph A. Ball, Gregory Marx, Victor Vinnikov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We discuss (i) a quantized version of the Jordan decomposition theorem for a complex Borel measure on a compact Hausdorff space, namely, the more general problem of decomposing a general noncommutative kernel (a quantization of the standard notion of kernel function) as a linear combination of completely positive non-commutative kernels (a quantization of the standard notion of positive definite kernel). Other special cases of (i) include: the problem of decomposing a general operator-valued kernel function as a linear combination of positive kernels (not always possible), of decomposing a general bounded linear Hilbert-space operator as a linear combination of positive linear operators (always possible), of decomposing a completely bounded linear map from a C*-algebra A to an injective C*-algebra L(Y) as a linear combination of completely positive maps from A to L(Y) (always possible). We also discuss (ii) a noncom-mutative kernel generalization of the Arveson extension theorem (any completely positive map φ from an operator system S to an injective C*-algebra L(Y) can be extended to a completely positive map φe from a C*-algebra containing S to L(Y)), and (iii) a noncommutative kernel version of a Positivstellensatz (i.e., finding a certificate to ex-plain why one kernel is positive at points where another given kernel is strictly positive).

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)1985-2040
Number of pages56
JournalDocumenta Mathematica
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2022


  • Quantized functional analysis
  • bimodule maps
  • completely positive map
  • completely positive noncommutative kernel
  • noncommuta-tive function

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Mathematics


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