"Fool, look at the end of the verse": b. Hullin 87a and its Christian background

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


What is the nature of rabbinic stories about minim and their interactions with rabbinic figures?¹ What is the function of stories in which a min asks a question of a rabbi and is rebuffed? Are these literary depictions of actual historical polemics, or are they merely Jewish rabbinic fantasies meant to ridicule the “other”? Of course, this question has fundamental ramifications for both the historical research of Jewish–Christian interactions in late antiquity and the literary study of the composition of the talmudic corpora.

A crucial element of answering these questions is identifying who these minim are. Scholars have proposed...
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationThe Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World
EditorsGeoffrey Herman, Jeffrey L. Rubenstein
Place of PublicationProvidence, RI
PublisherBrown University
Number of pages28
ISBN (Print)9781946527080
StatePublished - 2018

Publication series

NameBrown Judaic Studies
PublisherBrown University


  • Bible. Amos IV, 13 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc
  • Christianity in rabbinical literature
  • Gentiles in rabbinical literature
  • Talmud Bavli. Hullin 87a -- Commentaries
  • Talmud Bavli. Sanhedrin 39a -- Commentaries

RAMBI publications

  • rambi
  • Bible -- Amos -- IV, 13 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc
  • Christianity in rabbinical literature
  • Gentiles in rabbinical literature
  • Talmud Bavli -- Hullin -- 87a -- Commentaries
  • Talmud Bavli -- Sanhedrin -- 39a -- Commentaries


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