Extremely high magnetoresistance and conductivity in the type-II Weyl semimetals WP2 and MoP2

Nitesh Kumar, Yan Sun, Nan Xu, Kaustuv Manna, Mengyu Yao, Vicky Suess, Inge Leermakers, Olga Young, Tobias Foerster, Marcus Schmidt, Horst Borrmann, Binghai Yan, Uli Zeitler, Ming Shi, Claudia Felser, Chandra Shekhar

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The peculiar band structure of semimetals exhibiting Dirac and Weyl crossings can lead to spectacular electronic properties such as large mobilities accompanied by extremely high magnetoresistance. In particular, two closely neighboring Weyl points of the same chirality are protected from annihilation by structural distortions or defects, thereby significantly reducing the scattering probability between them. Here we present the electronic properties of the transition metal diphosphides, WP2 and MoP2, which are type-II Weyl semimetals with robust Weyl points by transport, angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first principles calculations. Our single crystals of WP2 display an extremely low residual low-temperature resistivity of 3 n Omega cm accompanied by an enormous and highly anisotropic magnetoresistance above 200 million % at 63 T and 2.5 K. We observe a large suppression of charge carrier backscattering in WP2 from transport measurements. These properties are likely a consequence of the novel Weyl fermions expressed in this compound.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1642
Number of pages8
JournalNat Commun
StatePublished - 21 Nov 2017


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