Euclidean Steiner shallow-light trees

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A spanning tree that simultaneously approximates a shortest-path tree and a minimum spanning tree is called a shallow-light tree(shortly, SLT). More specifically ,an (α,β)-SLT of a weighted undirected graph G= (V,E,w) with respect to a designated vertex rt ∈ V is a spanning tree of G with: (1)root-stretch α– it preserves all distances between rt and the other vertices up to a factor of α, and (2) lightness β– it has weight at most β times the weight of a minimum spanning tree MST(G) of G. Tight tradeoffs between the parameters of SLTs were established by Awerbuch et al. in PODC’90 and by Khuller et al. in SODA’93. They showed that for any >0, any graph admits a (1 +,O(1))-SLT with respect to any root vertex, and complemented this result with a matching lower bound. Khuller et al. asked if the upper bound β=O(1) on the lightness of SLTs can be improved in Euclidean spaces. In FOCS’11 Elkin and this author gave a negative answer to this question, showing a lower bound of β= Ω(1) that applies to 2-dimensional Euclidean spaces. In this paper we show that Steiner points lead to a quadratic improvement in Eu-clidean SLTs, by presenting a construction of Euclidean Steiner (1 +,O(√1))-SLTs in arbitrary 2-dimensional Euclidean spaces. The lightness bound β=O(√1) of our con-struction is optimal up to a constant. The runtime of our construction, and thus the number of Steiner points used, are bounded by O(n).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-139
JournalJournal of Computational Geometry
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes


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