Environmental memory facilitates search with home returns

Amy Altshuler, Ofek Lauber Bonomo, Nicole Gorohovsky, Shany Marchini, Eran Rosen, Ofir Tal-Friedman, Shlomi Reuveni, Yael Roichman

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Search processes in the natural world are often punctuated by home returns that reset the position of foraging animals, birds, and insects. Many theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies have now demonstrated that this strategy can drastically facilitate search, which could explain its prevalence. To further facilitate search, foragers also work as a group: modifying their surroundings in highly sophisticated ways, e.g., by leaving chemical scent trails that imprint the memory of previous excursions. Here, we design a controlled experiment to show that the benefit coming from such environmental memory is significant even for a single, nonintelligent searcher that is limited to simple physical interactions with its surroundings. To this end, we employ a self-propelled bristle robot that moves randomly within an arena filled with obstacles that the robot can push around. To mimic home returns, we reset the bristle robot's position at constant time intervals. We show that trails created by the robot give rise to a form of environmental memory that facilitates search by increasing the effective diffusion coefficient. Numerical simulations and theoretical estimates designed to capture the essential physics of the experiment support our conclusions and indicate that these are not limited to the particular system studied herein.

Original languageEnglish
Article number023255
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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