Enhanced proteostasis, lipid remodeling, and nitrogen remobilization define barley flag leaf senescence

Maja Cohen, Kendra Hertweck, Maxim Itkin, Sergey Malitsky, Andreas M Fischer, Robert Fluhr

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Leaf senescence is a developmental process allowing nutrient remobilization to sink organs. We characterized flag leaf senescence at 7, 14, and 21 d past anthesis in two near-isogenic barley lines varying in the allelic state of the HvNAM1 transcription factor gene, which influences senescence timing. Metabolomics and microscopy indicated that, as senescence progressed, thylakoid lipids were transiently converted to neutral lipids accumulating in lipid droplets. Senescing leaves also exhibited an accumulation of sugars including glucose, while nitrogen compounds (nucleobases, nucleotides, and amino acids) decreased. RNA-Seq analysis suggested lipid catabolism via β-oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle, producing carbon skeletons and feeding respiration as a replacement of the diminished carbon supply from photosynthesis. Comparison of the two barley lines highlighted a more prominent up-regulation of heat stress transcription factor- and chaperone-encoding genes in the late-senescing line, suggesting a role for these genes in the control of leaf longevity. While numerous genes with putative roles in nitrogen remobilization were up-regulated in both lines, several peptidases, nucleases, and nitrogen transporters were more highly induced in the early-senescing line; this finding identifies processes and specific candidates which may affect nitrogen remobilization from senescing barley leaves, downstream of the HvNAM1 transcription factor.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbererac329
Pages (from-to)6816-6837
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Experimental Botany
Issue number19
StatePublished - 2 Nov 2022


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