Elementary processes in dilatational plasticity of glasses

Avraham Moriel, David Richard, Edan Lerner, Eran Bouchbinder

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Materials typically fail under complex stress states, essentially involving dilatational (volumetric) components that eventually lead to material decohesion/separation. It is therefore important to understand dilatational irreversible deformation - i.e., dilatational plasticity - en route to failure. In the context of glasses, much focus has been given to shear (volume-preserving) plasticity, both in terms of the stress states considered and the corresponding material response. Here, using a recently developed methodology and extensive computer simulations, we shed basic light on the elementary processes mediating dilatational plasticity in glasses. We show that plastic instabilities, corresponding to singularities of the glass Hessian, generically feature both dilatational and shear irreversible strain components. The relative magnitude and statistics of the strain components depend both on the symmetry of the driving stress (e.g., shear versus hydrostatic tension) and on the cohesive (attractive) part of the interatomic interaction. We further show that the tensorial shear component of the plastic strain is generally nonplanar and also extract the characteristic volume of plastic instabilities. Elucidating the fundamental properties of the elementary micromechanical building blocks of plasticity in glasses sets the stage for addressing larger-scale, collective phenomena in dilatational plasticity such as topological changes in the form of cavitation and ductile-to-brittle transitions. As a first step in this direction, we show that the elastic moduli markedly soften during dilatational plastic deformation approaching cavitation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number023167
Issue number2
StatePublished - May 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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