Elder abuse and neglect in Israel: to report or to inform: Community nurses’ perspective on a policy dilemma

Talia Marnin, Israel Doron

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


In recent years, there has been growing attention in Israel to the social phe-nomena of elder abuse and neglect ( EA&N). Two conceptually different poli-cies have been adopted in Israel: (1) Mandatory reporting, which mandatesprofessionals to report cases of EA&N; (2) Mandatory informing, which man-dates professionals to provide information to victims of EA&N. This re searchexamined how reporting and informing policies are viewed by communitynurses in Israel. Methodologically, this quantitative research was based on aclosed questionnaire answered by 200 community nurses, who work in theIsrael’s largest HMO, Clalit Health Care Services. The findings in dicated thatnurses’ willingness to implement the duty to inform was significantlystronger than their willingness to implement the duty to report. These find-ings support the supposition that community nurses prefer the use of legaltools that emphasize empowerment and focus on the autonomy of older per-sons
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationGlobal Aging Issues and Policies : Understanding the Importance of Comprehending and Studying the Aging Process
EditorsLi Yushi (Boni)
Number of pages15
StatePublished - 2013


  • Older people -- Cross-cultural studies


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