Efficiency Parameterization with Neural Networks

Francesco Armando Di Bello, Jonathan Shlomi, Chiara Badiali, Guglielmo Frattari, Eilam Gross, Valerio Ippolito, Marumi Kado

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Multidimensional efficiency maps are commonly used in high-energy physics experiments to mitigate the limitations in the generation of large samples of simulated events. Binned efficiency maps are however strongly limited by statistics. We propose a neural network approach to learn ratios of local densities to estimate in an optimal fashion efficiencies as a function of a set of parameters. Graph neural network techniques are used to account for the high dimensional correlations between different physics objects in the event. We show in a specific toy model how this method is applicable to produce accurate multidimensional efficiency maps for heavy-flavor tagging classifiers in HEP experiments, including for processes on which it was not trained.
Original languageEnglish
Article number14
Pages (from-to)14-
Number of pages12
JournalComputing and Software for Big Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2021


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