Effects of different relative loads on power performance during the ballistic push-up

Ran Wang, Jay R. Hoffman, Eliahu Sadres, Sandro Bartolomei, Tyler W.D. Muddle, David H. Fukuda, Jeffrey R. Stout

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Wang, R, Hoffman, JR, Sadres, E, Bartolomei, S, Muddle, TWD, Fukuda, DH, and Stout, JR. Effects of different relative loads on power performance during the ballistic push-up. J Strength Cond Res 31(12): 3411–3416, 2017—The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of load on force and power performance during a ballistic push-up. Sixty (24.5 6 4.3 years, 1.75 6 0.07 m, and 80.8 6 13.5 kg) recreationally active men who participated in this investigation completed all testing and were included in the data analysis. All participants were required to perform a 1 repetition maximum bench press, and ballistic push-ups without external load (T1), with 10% (T2) and 20% (T3) of their body mass. Ballistic push-ups during T2 and T3 were performed using a weight loaded vest. Peak and mean force, power, as well as net impulse and flight time were determined for each ballistic push-up. Peak and mean force were both significantly greater (p, 0.01) during T3 (1,062 6 202 and 901 6 154 N, respectively), than both T2 (1,017 6 202 and 842 6 151 N, respectively) and T1 (960 6 188 and 792 6 140 N, respectively). Peak and mean power were significantly greater (p, 0.01) during T1 (950 6 257 and 521 6 148 W, respectively), than both T2 (872 6 246 and 485 6 143 W, respectively) and T3 (814 6 275 and 485 6 162 W, respectively). Peak and mean power were greatest during T1, regardless of participants’ strength levels. Significant (p, 0.01) greater net impulse and smaller peak velocity and flight time were also noted from T1 to T3. Results of this investigation indicated that maximal power outputs were achieved without the use of an external load when performing the ballistic push-up, regardless of the participants’ level of strength.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3411-3416
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Force-time curve
  • Optimal intensity
  • Strength
  • Upper-body strength

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation


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