Dowland's "Lachrimae": a passionate interpretation

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The Lachrimae significant question event or Seaven whether in English Tears the
(henceforth musical publication life in LoST) of 1604 John may was Dowland's justly
perceived give folio as rise a Lachrimae or Seaven Tears (henceforth LoST) was perceived
as a significant event in English musical life in 1604 may justly give rise to debate. On the one hand, LoST was the first publication of English music scored specifically for strings and for lute and it was also the first to have used the table layout for consort music. on the other hand, it found no followers and may therefore be seen as a sadly isolated phenomenon, not the kind that easily makes it into music history books. And yet it is hard to ignore the popularity of and the attention paid to the first seven pieces in that book — the seven ‘Passionate Pavans’ (henceforth Lachrimae') — by today’s audiences and performers alike. Also, the intensity of scholarly debate around that seven-fold cycle may attest to the potential significance that is entailed in deciphering its meaning.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)17-35
Number of pages19
JournalMusical Times
Issue number1935
StatePublished - 2016


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