Distinguishing between non-abelian topological orders in a Quantum Hall system

Bivas Dutta, Wenmin Yang, Ron Melcer, Hemanta Kumar Kundu, Moty Heiblum, Vladimir Umansky, Yuval Oreg, Ady Stern, David Mross

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Quantum Hall states can harbor exotic quantum phases. The nature of these states is reflected in the gapless edge modes owing to ‘bulk-edge’ correspondence. The most-studied putative non-abelian state is the spin-polarized filling factor ν = 5/2, which permits different topological orders that can be abelian or non-abelian. We develop a method that interfaces the studied quantum state with another state, and employ it to identify the topological order of the ν = 5/2 state. The interface between two half-planes, one hosting the ν = 5/2 state and the other an integer ν = 3 state, supports a fractional ν = 1/2 charge mode and a neutral Majorana mode. The counter-propagating chirality of the Majorana mode, probed by measuring partition noise, is consistent with the particle-hole Pfaffian (PH-Pf) topological order and rules out the anti-Pfaffian order.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)193-197
Number of pages5
Issue number6577
StatePublished - 14 Jan 2022


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