title = "Discovery, progenitor and early evolution of a stripped envelope supernova iPTF13bvn",
abstract = "The intermediate Palomar Transient Factory reports our discovery of a young supernova, iPTF13bvn, in the nearby galaxy, NGC 5806 (22.5 Mpc). Our spectral sequence in the optical and infrared suggests a Type Ib classification. We identify a blue progenitor candidate in deep pre-explosion imaging within a 2σ error circle of 80 mas (8.7 pc). The candidate has an MB luminosity of -5.52 ± 0.39 mag and a B-I color of 0.25 ± 0.25 mag. If confirmed by future observations, this would be the first direct detection for a progenitor of a Type Ib. Fitting a power law to the early light curve, we find an extrapolated explosion date around 0.6 days before our first detection. We see no evidence of shock cooling. The pre-explosion detection limits constrain the radius of the progenitor to be smaller than a few solar radii. iPTF13bvn is also detected in centimeter and millimeter wavelengths. Fitting a synchrotron self-absorption model to our radio data, we find a mass-loading parameter of 1.3×1012 g cm-1. Assuming a wind velocity of 103 km s-1, we derive a progenitor mass-loss rate of 3 × 10-5 M ⊙ yr-1. Our observations, taken as a whole, are consistent with a Wolf-Rayet progenitor of the supernova iPTF13bvn.",
keywords = "instrumentation: adaptive optics, shock waves, stars: Wolf-Rayet, supernovae: individual (iPTF13bvn), surveys",
author = "Yi Cao and Kasliwal, {Mansi M.} and Iair Arcavi and Assaf Horesh and Paul Hancock and Stefano Valenti and Cenko, {S. Bradley} and Kulkarni, {S. R.} and Avishay Gal-Yam and Evgeny Gorbikov and Ofek, {Eran O.} and David Sand and Ofer Yaron and Melissa Graham and Silverman, {Jeffrey M.} and Wheeler, {J. Craig} and Marion, {G. H.} and Walker, {Emma S.} and Paolo Mazzali and Howell, {D. Andrew} and Li, {K. L.} and Kong, {A. K.H.} and Bloom, {Joshua S.} and Nugent, {Peter E.} and Jason Surace and Frank Masci and John Carpenter and Nathalie Degenaar and Gelino, {Christopher R.}",
note = "Hubble Fellowship; Carnegie-Princeton Fellowship; NSF [AST-1302771, AST 11-09801]; ISF; BSF; GIF; Minerva; EU/FP7 via an ERC; Kimmel award; Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy; Commonwealth of Australia; Australian Research Council [FS100100033]; National Science Foundation; CARMA partner universities; [CE110001020]M.M.K. acknowledges generous support from the Hubble Fellowship and Carnegie-Princeton Fellowship. J.M.S. is supported by an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship under award AST-1302771. N.D. acknowledges the Hubble Fellowship. Research by A.G.Y. and his group was supported by grants from the ISF, BSF, GIF, Minerva, the EU/FP7 via an ERC grant and the Kimmel award. The research of J.C.W. is supported by NSF Grant AST 11-09801.The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy, provided staff, computational resources, and data storage for this project. The Australia Telescope is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO. This research has been supported by the Australian Research Council through Super Science Fellowship grant FS100100033. The Centre for All-sky Astrophysics is an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence, funded by grant CE110001020. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. Ongoing CARMA development and operations are supported by the National Science Foundation under a cooperative agreement, and by the CARMA partner universities.",
year = "2013",
month = sep,
day = "20",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1088/2041-8205/775/1/L7",
language = "الإنجليزيّة",
volume = "775",
journal = "Astrophysical Journal Letters",
issn = "2041-8205",
publisher = "American Astronomical Society",
number = "1",