Digital Multiphase PWM Integrated Module Generated from a Single Synchronization Source

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This article introduces a new architecture for a high-resolution digital pulsewidth modulator (HR-DPWM), which generates multiple output phases, all synchronized and derived out of a single reference source. Constructed through digital standard-cell delay chain and simple combinatorial logic, the module produces PWM signals with configurable on-time, period and time-delay (between phases) with resolution of a single delay element. To minimize the statistical error spread (e.g., jitter error) between phases, a single delay-line is utilized to generate a master time-base while combinatorial logic assigns per-phase independent duty-ratio settings. The resultant module minimizes the time-diversity error between phases, as any uncertainty in the on-time generation is identical between phases. The solution is compact, flexible and scales with the number of phases. Since the entire architecture is realized through standard cells, the solution also scales with fabrication technology and is described by HDL, which translates onto hardware using automated process. The HR-DPWM module has been designed and fabricated on a 0.18 μm 5 V CMOS process, totaling 0.08 mm2 of effective silicon area. Experimental results of a four phase 13-bit HR-DPWM are provided, demonstrating high accuracy and linearity characteristics with time resolution of 200 ps and excellent matching and tracking between all phases.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)1570-1578
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2022


  • Delay-line
  • digital control
  • digital pulsewidth modulator
  • multiphase converter

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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